For myself, I sewed Simplicity 2925 this past weekend. Haven't worn it yet though. I put the review up on PR and I'll get my pic in it sometime coming up. I also got the cutting table from Joann's, which has been big help, even though I had drama putting it together - more on that later.
Also, check your local pattern shops because Simplicity is getting ready to come out with the summer patterns, I got five cute ones today. I wanted to take pics but can't since crazy kiddo touched my camera lens - hence the blurriness here.
I'll catch up later on reviews and pictures, it's time to relax while I can....
I have 5574 out for my oldest daughter as well!
I got the fabric to make simplicity 2925 yesterday,but I don't even have the pattern yet, lol,you daughter looks so cute, I love the fabric, I made a bag with it last year.
The fabric's pattern is very nice and this dress is so cute on your daughter!
Love the dress you made your dd!!I need to get started on making some summer thing for my dd also.
Very cute dress on your daughter and I really like the fabric! I have not tried any of Simplicity's Project Runway patterns just yet. This one is cute though, can't wait to see it on you.
The dress is adorable on her! Great job!
That dress is so cute!
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