Last weekend was full of family-fun-food and LOVE. Planning a party (for the most beautiful woman in the world) is no joke. Running around town picking up things along with multiple trips to the airport at ODD hours - I give my lil sis MAD PROPS for getting this together. You are the bomb lil sis and NO I did not finish your dress yet and WHO CARES that your conceited, spoiled, flaming cat has pink eye :)
Cooking for a houseful of guests - including vegetarians and picky meat-atarians (Hi cousin!) is no joke. Throw a baby shower in, an all day walking tour of DC, and other during the week stuff, yeah I was beat.
But we celebrated my Mom's 50th in ful-l-l-l-l-l effect though. People came from almost all US regions to see MY mama :) (She's in the middle)
And as you can see we all have the Gordon arms & back (from my grand mama-rip) with the exception of my skinny mama :-) She takes after her dad-rip.
Leslie @ Loohoo Originals tagged me with a literary meme. I had to Google meme because I had no clue.
1. Pick up the nearest book.
2. Open to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next three sentences.
5. Tag five people, and acknowledge who tagged you.
I got this book from the library last week to find a quick recipe for Mom's party. It's been sitting on my desk unopened since - lol!
so thanks Leslie for getting me into this book because I think I love Martha and will buy this book now. It's jam packed with all kinds of yummies. Kiddo is into cooking instead of sewing/crochet right now so we will get some use out of it - especially the desserts.
The Martha Stewart Living Cookbook.
I'll start on the first full recipe (Southwest Corn Chowder) on page 123:
5th sentence:
Add the carrot, celery, and poblano; cook until the vegetables are just tender, about 5 minutes.
Next three:
Stir in 1 teaspoon salt, the cumin, 1/4 teaspoon pepper, and the cayenne. Raise heat to high; add the wine. Cook until most liquid has evaporated, 2 to 3 minutes.
mmmm sounds good already. lol!
Then C. Dishmey @ Wall Street By Day :: Hardcore Crafter By Night Tagged me to post 6 "random" things about me:
- I broke my arm when I was about 9 and had surgery/stitches that resulted in a 4 inch keloid on my right arm.
- I cut of all of my hair (not much to begin with, lol) 6 years ago so I could "go natural." It's a big deal for Black girls who were pretty much forced into processed hair. It was really a big deal for me because I looked like a twelve year old boy until it grew out some.
- My first sewing project ever was in Jr High were those letter pillows like McCall's 3274. I remember getting the fabric and pattern at Poppy Fabric in Oakland.
- Speaking of Jr High, I dressed up like Rhythm Nation Era - Janet Jackson for Halloween and was chased around the school by people who wanted my autograph, lol!! From then on I was known as Janet. All through high school which was on the opposite coast coast I was called Janet I guess because I wore braids a'la Poetic Justice. Shoot, I was cuter!
- At 5'6 I am the shortest grandchild on my mom's side. Kiddo is steadily inching up on me and everyone else is 5'8+ or at least they claim to be. (Hi cousin!!)
- I might be short, but I suffer ZERO allergies - food, seasonal or otherwise, unlike my mom, sisters, kiddo and hubby and others. So there.
I'm all late and everyone in my blog roll is probably already tagged so I wont tag anyone.
Glad you guys had a good time and you got some rest :-)
The cutting of the hair *is* traumatic, isn't it?? I love your locs now!
family food and flowers, wjhat more could one ask for
I love family weekends. Glad you had a good time.
That's so cool that you went back to your natural hair. I am actually on that journey too, hence the weave --> growing my hair out until I'm ready to cut the relaxed hair off.
You have a lovely family too!
I gotta tell you, you're number 2 reminded me of a little 4th grade white girl (that's me) who wanted to trade in my super straight hair for super curly at the beauty salon. When I walked into school the next day with an afro, I was truly the mockery of my class with the finger in the light socket comment. Sometimes fighting what you've been given sure isn't worth it. And my mama let me learn the hard way!
ha! rather than 'janet,' folk used to call me 'poetic justice' since i kept long, thick braids in my hair. (my mom braided hair.)
lovely family pic. your mom looks fabulous. :-)
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