My impulses went right to 4(!) other projects that I worked on from start to finish from Weds night to now. Man, I can't even get obsession right - because there's always something new to get into. Now I know why I buy so many patterns, why I can't do a SWAP, why I hate everything in my closet after one wear...
But I ain't mad.
From now on I won't make any goals, wishes, predictions. I just have to follow my heart with reckless abandon --- um this is still about sewing right??
In the meantime, I have some pretty snazzy-jazzy additions to my wardrobe.
McCall's 5466 (3rd attempt)
3rd time's a charm? After I blogged last Wednesday afternoon I went right down to the sewing nook and said, "I want a new dress!" 6-7 hours later which included dinner prep, homework with kiddo & a zipper run to Joann's the dress was born. I hadn't sewn in a while and I found that matching the plaids was a soothing escape. I got the bias skirt and zipper down pat babeyyyy!! I wore it proudly the next day. I'm thinking this will be my so called tried 'n' true pattern that I can whip up on a whim.

Butterick 5186
They labeled this easy?? Not! Granted there were 6 pieces & no "precision" techniques like pleating, zippers, etc, the construction of this top/jacket was complicated and time consuming for me. It took one night of cutting & pattern study and one morning & afternoon of construction. I don't know why but the very first instruction item stumped me until I pin basted the body together but after that it was good to go.
I'm pleased because the directions include finishing everything on the inside except the side seams, Hong Kong seams or serging will do. I recommend fabrics with some kind of drape & weight unless you want a stiffer look. I used PRL suiting from Jo-Jo's. be aware: there's some handstitching involved. Check the collar versatility though!!

Simplicity 3867 (2nd use, I still love this pattern!)
I went outside my current comfort zone with these. I haven't worn shorts in about 5+ years because... well I don't know, just didn't like 'em. But lately I have seen a few cute looks here and there and I finally decided to give them a try. These went together in less than an hour (pattern was precut) The only alteration if you can call it was using 1/2 seam allowance on the side seams instead of 5/8. be aware: Pattern states these are to be worn 1 & 1/2 inches below the waist for those who have ample bootay or even borderline bootay like myself.

Vogue 2912 (polyester muslin in progress)
This was fun & easy (or uncomplicated I should say)!! There is pleating, darts, curves, sew-in interfacing, topstitching, narrow hem, and buttonholes on this little top!! All worth it for the practice & outcome. I was worried that the pattern would not piece properly but this one was perfect! What's left to do is to hem the bottom, finish the left armband, the back buttons/holes and stitch on the tie.
The recommended "charmeuse" type fabric is not fun to work with, but good practice for me on needle use and tension adjustments. I might wear this version once/twice but I want to make it in a more expensive fabric for
& Guess what?? they have silks on the bolt at some Joann's now! They have some pretty jewel tones in stock at my local store. They seem pretty decent quality, and priced right with your 40% off coupon.

Adios peeps!
Everything looks great. I especially like the Butterick top. Glad you wear able to sort out the instructions.
It all look so fantastic! The short are great too, glad you decided to make them.
You've been sewing up a storm! I like your selections.
wow, you really knock them out girl. Jeez, I totally agree with out, I think I jinx myself when I start making to much plans, I should definitely stick to my current method of just pulling whatever pattern and fabric I like at that moment and getting down to work..
take a break from the sewing machine! lol
the 1st dress in purple is so cute!!
Wow, you've been busy! You're so inspiring. I love it all! My fav is the Vogue top. Keep 'em coming.
You've been busy! Everything looks great.
It's sounds like you've had good luck with fabric shopping. I'm not liking what I see in my JoAnn's.
You have been so productive! I especially like the Butterick jacket. It's worth whatever pain it caused you.
Everythinhg looks so good. I love the plaid used for the dress.
Wow, fabulous, all fabulous down to the very last piece. I am going online to order that Butterick 5186 now. We have that dress pattern here but haven't done anything with it, seeing how nice yours is on the bias makes me want to sew it like yesterday.
So glad your sewing mojo was out of
thanks for the encouragement!!! If I could sew on a more "regular" basis I wouldn't have to binge - lol!
Wow, you really cranked them out! :~) I like your Sew Stylish city shorts, and I love that pattern.
Thanks for the nom and be blessed.
I have B5186, I'm going to pull it out and give it a whirl!
lol @ finding matching plaids to be soothing.
i'll say it again, you rock! :-)
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